
[SPEAKER] Raising Children in a Digital Age #Video

I was due to undertake a number of public speaking engagements whilst in New Zealand, which Coronavirus has knocked off plan. The other week I was told about Loom (and that as an academic I have lifetime free access), so decided that I would experiment with creating one of my presentations, as I already had the slides prepared. I’ve done a lot of text, and a lot of images, but videos are fairly rare for me, so I thought I’d experiment:

Think it comes across OK, but I’m not very patient with listening to long videos, so maybe I would break it into segments another time?


[MEDIA] Keep Calm and Carry On: The Truth Behind the Poster by @I_W_M

It’s interesting watching someone else give an overview of your research, here’s one of the Imperial War Museum curators picking out some of the bits that she’s found interesting from the book (easy to buy from Imperial War Museum direct, or Amazon). You can read a few other thoughts about my book here.


[VIDEO] Children and Youth Online for @thegabrielco

The Gabriel Collective is a collective of people who follow Jesus and want to see young adults empowered to use online video to reach the digital generations. They’re having a meeting today, to which I was invited, and invited to give a 10 minute intro to digital culture/young people … I couldn’t make it in person, so I made a quick video (one take via webcam + iMovie!), based on the lecture I’d given on Monday:


[VIDEO] #Speaker: Create Engagement at #PremDac15

I love the Premier Digital Media conference, I’ve been involved in it since it started in 2010, and enjoyed looking at what makes material engaging this year – with around 200+ people joining me for the session (36 min video):


[VIDEO] Brené Brown: Why Your Critics Aren’t The Ones Who Count

Another great piece on criticism – both from others – and from imposter syndrome… dealing with it, without losing our vulnerability.

Tell them, I see you, I hear you, but I’m going to do this anyway