
#EmptyShelf 2016 #10: We Make the Road by Walking (@brianmclaren)

We_Make_The_Road-uk-199x300Over the past year I’ve been part of a closed Facebook group readingĀ We Make the Road by Walking together – and we’ve just come to the last week’s reading. The book is described on Brian McLaren’s website as:

Brian’s 2014 release offers 52+ chapters that give an overview of the biblical story and a fresh introduction or re-orientation to Christian faith. Each chapter is written to be read aloud in ten to twelve minutes, and is accompanied by a set of Scripture readings, reflection/discussion questions, and liturgical resources – so the book can be useful in a variety of ways for classes, small groups, new faith communities, and churches. And of course, it’s an inspiring and formative read for individuals too.

Reading together with others is a great way to keep focused – each week we’ve been asked to read 3-4 Bible sections, and a short chapter – the first question has always been “what one thing struck you”, whilst the other two that we’ve focused on are different each week and ask for a little vulnerability within the group. The opportunity to bounce ideas around, especially outside of geographical/denominational boundaries, was always something that inspired me whilst running ‘The Big Read‘, and has been great to enjoy ‘gently’ without the pressure of being the person who ensures that the conversation is prompted!

Short of looking back through a year of Facebook posts, I can’t share many bits, but suffice to say it’s been a great mixture of encouragement and challenge. One bit I spotted tied into much of my thinking re whether people truly have technological addiction:

“When we indulge in pleasures without self-examination, or self-control, great pleasure can quickly lead to great pain – for the addicts themselves and for those whose lives are touched by their addiction”.

The bit I’ve just shared as my final “what one thing struck you” is reflecting on the Mystery of God – God is bigger than we are, and therefore not to be reduced to the ‘understandable’ – let’s embrace the mystery:


So what next … at present thinking about the Biblica community experience, and/orĀ David Suchet reading the Bible