Academic Digital

Participatory Media for Education

Read the full report (PDF).  Thanks to Marcus Leaning for bringing it to my attention.

Academic Digital

Ascilite 2009: Same Places, Different Spaces

Ascilite 2009 (Auckland, New Zealand)Following #ascilite2009 on Twitter, which is currently ongoing in Auckland, New Zealand.

  • What makes for effective blended learning?
  • How are mobile devices are being incorporated into the learning environment?
  • What Web 2.0 technologies are the teachers and students using and for what?
  • What are industries, trades, businesses and professionals using for e-learning for FE and workspace learning?

Keynote speakers are Gráinne Conole, James Clay and Scott Diener.

Academic Digital

Learning 2.0

Learning 2.0

View more documents from hblowers.

OK, so this presentation is 2 years old… and in web terms that should be ANCIENT history, but a lot of the tools it has identified are still only just going mainstream within education, and I think it still has a lot to say about what such technology is TRYING TO ACHIEVE within the Learning and Teaching spectrum… and the need to find space for play and creativity to progress the technology in education agenda!

Academic Digital

Next-gen PhDs fail to find Web 2.0's "on-switch"

On SwitchA three-year study by the British Library, Researchers of Tomorrow, is tracking the research behaviour of doctoral students born between 1982 and 1994 – dubbed “Generation Y”. …

Interim results, released to Times Higher Education, show that only a small proportion of those surveyed are using technology such as virtual-research environments, social bookmarking, data and text mining, wikis, blogs and RSS-feed alerts in their work. This contrasts with the fact that many respondents professed to finding technological tools valuable.”

Read full story in the Times Higher Education.

This is something I’d love to see changed. Although there is a lot of protest against the demonstrable “impact” of research, I personally feel that research so far as possible should look to be a collaborative effort, building upon the work of others (rather than re-inventing the wheel), and disseminating that work as far as possible. Web 2.0 offers great possibilities, and I look forward to implementing a number of them at the University of Winchester.


drbexl: Highly Influential

According to Topsy, I’m highly influential on Twitter! Be interesting to see their rationale for that, as my other Twitter feeds are not demonstrating the same accolade! Nice.
Well, I guess I do spend quite some time on Twitter… I get all my news, etc. from there!