Event Life(style)

Playtex Moonwalk 2005

I DID IT, I DID IT… in about 8 and half hours, which we didn’t think was bad as we had to stop/queue a couple of times, and sheer volume of people made it difficult to move any quicker! I really didn’t realise quite what a big challenge this would be until I started training for it, but I kept going (despite the move to Manchester), and sponsorship was a great incentive. I didn’t expect there to be QUITE so much pain afterwards, but it’s slowly improving (written Tuesday after!).

drbexl's Moonwalk photoset drbexl’s Moonwalk photoset

Event Life(style)

Nuns on the Run

Used to think this film was a hoot, so this 4 mile race, on behalf of Barnardos, caught my eye.

After my chest infection (started in Rome on the Europe Tour, June 2008 – well, at least it was somewhere exotic), my fitness has deteriorated massively, so in November I was prescribed “exercise” (I asked if it was possible, give me that little push back to the gym that I used to love going to!), so I have been making it down twice a week, excepting skiing/cold/snowbound over the last 3 weeks. Back in today (I walked, my car is snowed in again!), met with GP-Referral lovely Lydia, and said I’d been trying to run again, but that about 1.5 minutes was my limit… so she ‘prescribed’ trying a slower speed (7.5, rather than 9.5, I used to get up to 11.5) for 2 mins, then walk for 1-2 – and with that I managed 6 minutes + the intervals, and then decided I needed a target to aim for! Karen gave me this book for my birthday last year, as she knows I have run before (and we did the Moonwalk together) and once I’m out there, find it really helps my mindset!

So, there we are, 2nd May 2010, I shall be running 4 miles around London dressed as a nun (so that’s going to be an early start for me too!) – apparently Barnardos are likely to be in touch re-fund-raising, but I’d love your encouragement 🙂