
Raising Children in a Digital Age, Lion Hudson (2021)

A new edition of this book is currently in preparation.

Read more about this bookFind the book on Amazon.

Keep Calm and Carry On: The Truth Behind the Poster (2017)

‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ has become one of the most recognisable slogans of the twenty-first century. But where is it from and why has it resonated so strongly with the modern British public? This book reveals the truth behind the now infamous poster,

tracing its origins to the Second World War, when it was created to allay public panic in the event of a German invasion. Of course this feared invasion never happened, and the poster would have been resigned to the dusty shelves of history were it not for a chance discovery by the owners of Barter Books in 2001. Later seized upon as an encouragement in the economic crisis, ‘Keep Calm’ went on to become arguably the most successful meme in history. This book tells the story of that phenomenon, including colourful posters and archive photographs throughout.

Read more about this book. Find the book on Amazon.

Raising Children in a Digital Age, Lion Hudson (2014)


Digital technology, social media and online gaming are now a universal part of childhood. But are you worried about what your children might be doing online? What they might come across by accident? Or who might try to contact them through Facebook or Twitter?

Whether you’re a parent, grandparent, teacher, or youth leader, you will want children to get the most out of new technology. But how do you tread the tightrope of keeping them safe online, whilst enabling them to seize and benefit from the wealth of opportunities on offer?

Bex Lewis, an expert in social media and digital innovation, has written a much-needed and timely book full of sound research, practical tips, and realistic advice on how to keep children safe online. She puts the Internet scare stories and distorted statistics into context and offers clear and sensible guidelines to help children thrive in the digital jungle.

Read more about this book. Find the book on Amazon.