An indicator that work has reached national/international levels is when invitations to speak are received. The majority of my slidedecks are released under Creative Commons Licence:
- 2016: Can you see me?, Premier Digital Conference (November)
- 2016: Trolling the Artist, RedEye Photography Network (October)
- 2016: Raising Children in a Digital Age, ECC Stockport (October)
- 2016: Raising Children in a Digital Age, West Auckland Vineyard Church (October)
- 2016: Children – and a Digital Age, Re-imagining Faith Formation, Sydney (August)
- 2016: Social Media for Ministry: A Connected Ministry in a Digital Age, Chester Diocese (July)
- 2016: Raising Children and Young People in a Digital Age, CICS Calderdale (June)
- 2016: Faith in a (Digital) Age, Humanities in Public, Manchester Cathedral (June)
- 2016: Technology, Ethics and Regulation, #DigitalRevolution2016 (May)
- 2016: Raising Children in a Digital Age, The Gabriel Collective (March)
- 2016: Youth Matters in a Digital Age, Cores End Church (February) Day/Evening
- 2015: Create Engagement, Premier Digital Conference (November)
- 2015: Social Media, Digital Dialogue, New Wine (July/August)
- 2015: Experiencing God in a Digital Age, Retreat Association Conference (June)
- 2015: Raising Children in a Digital Age, ACTS Scotland (June) Booking Day/Evening
- 2015: Inter-faith Social Media, Coexist Foundation, Windsor (June)
- 2015: Evangelism in a Digital Age, Christian Enquiry Agency (June)
- 2015: Social Media Masterclass, London Witness (May)
- 2015: Discipleship in a Digital Age, Inside Out (April)
- 2015: Chew More: Immeasurably More (with Krish Kandiah), Spring Harvest (Minehead 2), (April)
- 2015: New Media Evangelism, DNA (March)
- 2015: Raising Children in a Digital Age, St Thomas’s Church, Fair Oak (March)
- 2015: Why Churches Can’t Afford to Ignore Social Media, New Wine Leader’s Conference (March)
- 2015: Raising Resilient Children in a Digital Age; School Assembly, West Witney Primary School (February)
- 2015: Promoting Resilience for Children in a Digital Age, Durham Diocese Safeguarding Conference (February)
- 2014: Youthwork, The Conference (Talk 1: children online; Talk 2: bullying) (November)
- 2014: Digital Healthcheck, Christian New Media Conference (November)
- 2014: Church and Media Conference re Promoting Raising Children in a Digital Age (October)
- 2014: Raising Children in a Digital Age, CILIP North-East (October)
- 2014: Discipleship and Journeying in a Digital Age, Spiritus (September)
- 2014: Discipleship and Journeying in a Digital Age, Greenbelt (August)
- 2014: How to Raise Children in a Digital Age, Greenbelt (August)
- 2014: Social Media and the Church, URC Ordinands (July)
- 2014: Keynote: The Church in a Digital Age, URC (July)
- 2014: In conversation at RRC Durham (June)
- 2014: Raising Children in a Digital Age, Hexham Trinity Methodist Church (June)
- 2014: Digital Literacy: Raising Children in a Digital Age, JISC North-East (June)
- 2014: #MediaLit14: The Digital Revolution // #DigiRev: Media for Ministry (June)
- 2014: Digital Confidence, URC (June)
- 2014: Restoring Confidence in the Truths We Believe, Woman Alive/BRF, Christian Resources Exhibition (May)
- 2014: Parenting in a Digital Age, St Leonard’s, Lexden, Chelmsford Diocese (May)
- 2014: “There’s no place for faith in our public life”: Discuss, Spring Harvest (April)
- 2014: Culture Space: Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Spring Harvest (Minehead, Week 3) (April)
- 2014: Digital Literacy: Raising Children in a Digital Age, JISC Experts (April)
- 2014: Consultative Group for Children’s Ministry (London) (April)
- 2014: Does doctrine matter?, Doctrine Research Meeting, Durham (March)
- 2014: Church and Social Media (with Pete Phillips), Methodist Ministers in the North-East, Newcastle (March)
- 2014: Preaching: Lessons from a Digital Age, Fresh Expressions: Preaching, Durham (March)
- 2014: CODEC Research: An Overview, #DHDurham, Durham (February)
- 2014: New Media Evangelism, DNA, London (January)
- 2013: Youth and Social Media, Oasis College, London (December)
- 2013: Social Media: The Importance of New Media in the Faith Story, We Use New Media, Harrogate (November)
- 2013: Tortured Through Technology and Digital Strategy 101 for CNMAC13, London (November)
- 2013: ODHE: End of Project (October)
- 2013: Social Media Identity and Don’t be a Bible Bot, Revolution Conference, Liverpool (October)
- 2013: So What Exactly is Social Media? Diocese of York (September)
- 2013: Making Social Media Work for You, #NMTrain, Birmingham (July)
- 2013: Engaging Audiences in the Digital Age, National Stewardship Conference, Writtle (July)
- 2013: Restless and Unfocused: Is this technology a plug-in drug?, Children Matter (Online), (June)
- 2013: #MediaLit13: The Digital Revolution || #DigiRev (June)
- 2013: Making Social Media Work for You, #NMTrain, Eastbourne (May)
- 2013: ODHE Session: Webinar (May)
- 2013: New Media Evangelism, DNA, London (May)
- 2013: Understanding Digital Culture, Evangelical Alliance (April) Video
- 2013: The Source, Be, Say, Do, Spring Harvest (Minehead, Week 1, March)
- 2013: Tear Fund Bloggers Trip to Uganda (February)
- 2013: Technology, Master or Slave, Hand-in-Hand (February)
- 2013: ODHE Sessions: ODHE Profiling || ODHE Website Action Plan (February)
- 2013: Social Media Masterclass, Methodist Workplace Chaplains (January)
- 2013: Social Media in the Church Context, Christian Media College, Oredea, Romania (January)
- 2012: Media: The Impact on Children & Young People, Oasis College (December)
- 2012: Social Media: Challenges and Understanding, Doncaster Diocese (Youth) (November)
- 2012: #CNMAC12: The Story of Today & Online Tools You Shouldn’t Live Without for Christian New Media Conference. (October)
- 2012: Social Media: fundraising & engaging volunteers, TWR Radio, Prague (October)
- 2012: Real Relationships in a Digital Age, New Media Training, Newcastle, Premier Christian Media (June)
- 2012: Real Relationships in a Digital Age, New Media Training, Leeds, Premier Christian Media (April)
- 2012:Manipulating Media: Collaborative Online Learning, JISC Experts in Teaching & Learning, Birmingham (April)
- 2012: Controlling the Message Through Social Media, Fellowship of European Broadcasters, Dresden (March)
- 2012: Looking Good, Feeling Great Online, Federation of Image Professionals (March)
- 2012: Spirituality Online: Just Be, Methodist Church Schools Day (March)
- 2012: Just Be: Being Online, Essex Churches Together Media Day (February)
- 2012: ODHE: Pecha Kucha, Pre-Recorded (February)
- 2012: Digital Literacies Baselining, Organisational Development in HE Group, Windermere (February)
- 2011: Being Digital Disciples, Being Digital, Churches Together (December)
- 2011: Faster than the speed of light: social media and the Gospel, Diocese of Salisbury Communications (November)
- 2011: Bigging up the Big Read, DigiManc (November)
- 2011: Fast Bible – Accessing the Bible in the 21st Century, Space in the City, Winchester (November)
- 2011: ‘Super-delegate’, JISC: Innovating e-Learning 2011 Online Conference (November)
- 2011:Social Media Mission, MAARIFA, Marseilles (October)
- 2011: Digidiscipleship, CNMAC11 (October)
- 2011: Communication in the 21st Century, Cathedral Administrators, Worcester (September)
- 2011: Second World War Posters, Winchester Women Graduates (July)
- 2011: Engaging in the Digital Space, Church and Media Network Conference (June)
- 2011: Social Media: A Conversation with Pete Phillips and James Poulter, Church and Media Network (June)
- 2011: Being Salt & Light in the (Online) World, Open Source, London (June)
- 2011: Social Media & The University of Winchester, L&T Day, University of Winchester (April)
- 2011: Be Salt & Light in the Online World, Visual Story Network, Edinburgh (April)
- 2011: Social Media develops academic literacy skills, Plymouth E-Learning Conference, (April, with Marcus Leaning)
- 2011: The Social Media World, Church Administrators Conference, High Leigh (March)
- 2011: Good News Online: Positive Christian News Stories, MediaNet Event, London (February)
- 2010: Super-delegate’, Innovating e-Learning 2010 Online Conference, (October)
- 2010: Videos: Going Viral, CNMAC10 (October)
- 2010: Twitter and Facebook in 30 minutes, CNMAC10 (October)
- 2010: Keynote with Maggi Dawn: Online: A Theology, CNMAC10 (October)
- 2010: The #BigBible Project 2011, Methodist Church Biblefresh Working Party (October)
- 2010: Work with IT Discussion Group (September)
- 2010: Twitter: Why? Out There Networking Group, Winchester (July)
- 2010: Summing Up, Church and Media Network Conference (June)
- 2010: Top Topics in Social Media, Church and Media Network Conference (June)
- 2010: Twitter in Higher Education, Webinar for JISC (March)
- 2010: Twitter with @Documentally, Ad-Hoc Seminar (February)
- 2009: Creating Community, Summary, Christianity in the Digital Space (September)
- 2008: Bex Lewis: An Ordinary Life, An Extraordinary Journey, Ladies Group, Cradley Baptist Church (October)
- 2006: Addressing Different Audiences and Creative Approaches to K.T. to ‘Beyond Academia? A Conference on Knowledge Transfer’ at University of Manchester (November)
- 1999: The planning, design and reception of British Home Front Propaganda Posters of the Second World War, 1940s Society (June)
- 1999: ‘Research Project Design’ to Postgraduate Training Course, King Alfred’s College (May)