
[CANCER] Where has the last week+ gone?

So, I last blogged 30th Jan, saying that breathlessness was becoming a big problem, but I was waiting for CT scan at the Christie (where they can use my portacath), and a biopsy for chest rash with surgeon at Wythenshawe.

Trying to Digest Dr Info


My head is spinning somewhat – but I find blogging about stuff a helpful way to process the information – and even more useful to direct people to … I don’t respond to ‘how are you today’ DMs as I tend to work on those on a group basis, and more direct qus as can manage the sense of information overwhelm/repetition more easily. I liked this article about The Bald Ballerina recently (and I’m still seeking info re social media and cancer):

When she was first diagnosed with cancer, Kudirka was encouraged by a former professor to keep a blog, either just for herself or to share with friends and family, to record all of the milestones on her new journey….

Initially, Kudirka limited her online audience to friends and family—it was just a way to keep them informed of how she was doing without individually contacting each person. Eventually, she made her site public and transformed it into an education and advocacy page.

NBC News



The CT scan got pulled forward to Wednesday 3rd, directly before the appointment in Wythenshawe (and the day after my first dose of COVID19 (AZ) vaccine: thankfully just ‘more fatigue’ and no other side effects).

The CT scan was hard work, trying to lie down flat – where seem to lose all access to air (any bending, any exertion, fine when sat with computer – but you know me and my walks/swimming that already missing). Andrew gave me a lift in, and I asked for wheelchair to radiography and back (missed Percy Pigs opportunity on way back as whizzed past M&S in my wheelchair).

Andrew then drove me onto Wythenshawe, where I got to see my original surgeon/breast nurses – he immediately said to have little expectation of ‘getting home tonight’ because breathing so bad – and started the process for admissions to acute ward – whilst continuing with the biopsy on the rash on my chest. Even amongst more tears there was laughter … the breast team like to ensure you have a ‘modesty gown’ on – so my surgeon made one from the blue paper roll.. nurses said no need for a fashion career. Lovely to be remembered fondly by the team – crap reason to have to be there (I was told to make sure I got to see Katy as well as Nicky before I left). 

Tiny biopsy from right breast where there was a rash that had been growing since November (also when fluid started collecting, and had first CT for breathlessness (which demonstrated small pleural effusion) – pretty painless, though required a couple of stitches because of the blood thinners I’ve been on since July. Initial thought was yes, this could be malignant, but also could be the oedema fluid collecting and pressurising (I am probably carrying maybe 10kg of extra fluid under the skin – pressing in all kinds of directions – unfortunately can’t just stick a pin in to drain it – complex lymphedema sleeves and compression massage, etc. (professional ones not currently possible in COVID times)). 

Been undecided about whether to post or not – but others with fears asking what look like (there are other nodules under the skin which I can feel, but can’t be seen:): 


Hospital Admission

So, last Wednesday evening, I got admitted to Wythenshawe acute ward … and Thursday the week after I’m still here, although we are in the process of talking about what we need for discharge to home. Friendly staff, my own side room/en suite, anti-pressure mattress not solid sponge, wi-fi that kind of works (phone signal that definitely does). 

In hospital we’ve been trying to deal mainly with chronic pain in the right upper body (probably caused by lymph nodes being blocked, cancer growing, and everything fighting for space and putting pressure on underlying muscle/bone structures (because a CT scan of the neck doesn’t show any cancer in the painful neck); and also with breathlessness – which doesn’t necessarily tie to low oxygen sats – and I’ve spent most of my week with one kind of oxygen mask or other on. Any kind of exertion has continued to cause problems. So what can I remember from this week (don’t be surprised if I remember something else and re-add): 

  • The first evening was spent in A&E/ED (whatever it’s called these days), being monitored, and trying to find someone to insert a portacath needle so that bloods could be taken (bearing in mind I now have lymphedema in both arms, very actively in the right side: we try and keep that skin unbroken otherwise = infections = cellulitis, etc.). The needle had changed, so just after we’d got bloods, it came out – so then had to decide whether one needed to stay in – for overnight went for ‘no’. so a needle free night After a speedy journey down some corridors, found myself in Bed 50, Ward A10 
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  • The next day (Thursday) was World Cancer Day (oh, let us raise some more awareness of the forgotten C please – though am also aware that there are many even more forgotten diseases), and I had to have a doppler inspection of my arm to ensure no clots down there (before allowed to put lymphedema sleeves on). Felt like a long day – and there was the joy of hospital food.
  • I think Friday comprised of talking about a lot of scans, but not managing to do quite as many – I had a nose/throat inspection (that was fun – COVID test magnified (and oh yeah, get one of those every 3 days too)). At this stage we wanted a CT of neck (and port needle back in), a fine needle aspiration of thyroid as apparently have a ‘goitre‘ – possibly pushing windpipe out of alignment (but again, probs not enough to be causing the problem, but I can definitely hear that squeak in my breathing), plus an echo of the heart (is there fluid around it?). Think this was also the evening that Helen was able to safely visit, bringing some cherries/raspberries (fave fruits), and seeing if there were suggestions to make me more comfortable! That means had visits from the acute oncology team, the palliative care team (remember, it’s not all about ‘end of life’, it’s about giving better quality of life/symptom management – possibly for many years), ward doctors, various nurses and specialists – so a friendly face at the end of all that was much appreciated (yes, I love digital, but I also love f2f meetups too – it’s not an either/or for me!). 
  • Trying to work out what happened over the weekend – even on Instagram the days are blurring… but I finally got my CT scan (and ironically had to be cannulated, but we used the left-not-so-distended-arm – where I do have ONE good vein in my elbow! That needle finally came out today; port needle still in).  Ended up with 15l of oxygen being pumped through and head lifted on a pillow -but very calm team – got it done. Did have a laugh with the porters who tried to take me back to the ward before I’d had my scan – ‘hey, I’ve been waiting 3 days for this scan’… one of my continued #OpinionMinutes that evening (along with hospital decor, access to own medsthe learning experience, etc)… and I think I managed to get pizza delivered to the hospital (courtesy of Helene).
  • The pain really ramped up over the weekend into Monday – largely down right hand side of neck (across to shoulder and partway down back). So fentanyl patch was upped from 12mg to 25mg, pregabalin upped from 50mg to another 75mg twice day, more oxygen, more pillows (using lots of audio books as can’t sit in a position to read well), continued baseline of paracetamol 4 x day, and by this point having quite a lot of morphine every couple of. hours – was a bit like someone trying to ram a steel rod through at some points. Was also recommended to try a TENS machine – so we borrowed a pregnancy one (half strength of pain ones) – got it going full strength and it’s doing something… now awaiting the new stronger one which YODEL took away again today – hopefully they’ll try the neighbors tomorrow…
  • Andrew and Jane had continued to be couriering stuff in & out, tests determine that I have areas of pleural effusion both bottom left lung and top right lung – but these are only a couple of cm each and not drainable; the pressure on my thyroid is deemed not to be big enough – so the aspiration biopsy has gone off the list at the moment… 

New Tumour(s)

  • Tuesday brought, amongst other things, 1kg of dried mango in the post (severe shortage of vitamins etc in my food), the TENS machine, a conversation with the surgeon in which he said “I’m sorry, but the skin rash is malignant, we don’t know what receptors yet, and we can’t do surgery on that/the armpit right now’ (and I knew I had a conversation with the oncologist to come Weds).Also the day to start on dexamethasone (THAT steroid that Trump sent even more insane tweets on).. it’s the one responsible for the term ‘roid rage.. also known as ‘Dexy’s Midnight Runners’ for the insomnia it causes.Think also had the echo this afternoon – and that was not a good experience (or was that Weds – who knows)  Andrew was able to pop in briefly, as was Lee (friend and minister from my URC church), in amongst conversations with specialists and all sorts.. 
  • Wednesday morning was spent getting clear on what wanted to talk to oncologist about in the afternoon (usually do the day before and email in, but anyway) … a chat with the palliative team (working on symptom management for pain/breathlessness) – pain thankfully reducing – spacing morphine out 4-hourly by choice as TENS and heat jacket both work away… Lovely little video sent from Karen on French beach, and then lovely old memory pic (I’m up for more living memory pics – got them all over the house).
  • Wednesday afternoon, palliative nurse came to join conversation with oncologist (originally planned f2f, but breathing so bad, we reverted to telephone). I was feeling that convo was challenging as deal with new tumour and what option(s) that brings, and was doing OK til he asked ‘I need to check that you want to continue with treatment’ (I think this is now a pretty routine question, but felt loaded/unexpected to me), and the nurse watched my face crumple. But essentially, capecitabine is clearly not working (already – annoying as side effects were minimal/well-managed), so we’re now waiting on a d-dish test – is there herceptin in my new tumours (this is not a routine test, so having to wait a bit longer based on an indeterminate previous test). If there is, then I will start on Kadcyla as next chemotherapy, if not, then I’m still triple negative and onto Eribulin. We’re hoping the test will be back for Monday afternoon MDT and then a phone call – so hopefully can go into Christies on Weds and talk next chemo. 
  • Thankfully knowing this call was coming, then had long chat with palliative nurse about how do we start to move me out of hospital, what now, etc. and Lee also returned with communion (one very large hot cross bun as bread) and calming conversation, and thanks to the Giles for providing Chinese (took the nurse’s recommendation)) – way too much food and can’t reheat anything on ward, so sent main meal back with Andrew and Jane today after it spent night in a fridge – hope it’s a tasty as it looked! Given extra oxygen for the evening, but asked to change as couldn’t work out how to sleep in it.,..

Where Now?

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  • So, we come to today … dealing with conversations over last 24 hours about Stannah Stairlifts, a week in a hospice, need for carers, including this morning help with shower (which I never wanted – but as Andrew said – you never wanted any of this, did you – good point!). All conversations I’ve associated with ‘end of life’ care – which as I’ve always said – can come to any of us with mets quickly – and things do feel like they are growing rather rampantly … but doesn’t necessarily mean this – so I need more conversations with oncologist – a simple question about prognosis last summer feels like it’s taken on connotations – and I either need to get my head around bad news and find a way to make the most of time, or I need to stop assuming the worst… a complete head messer. And this all on top of 1 hour of sleep in bed, 1 hour nodded off in chair (despite top dose of zopiclone AND oramorph)!
  • Andrew was allowed in for a short visit again, bringing a few things from others (and my laptop, hence managing to blog) – and yeah, I’ve killed all the data on my phone as 4G is better than Wifi – usually have 12GB pm allocated, but now paid another £20 and buys me unlimited for next 19 days – so netflix post-blog I reckon – or maybe I will actually fall asleep (which I didn’t really last night). 
  • Hospital doctor says there’s a couple more things they want to try, then can look at how to get home – maybe over the weekend. Tonight I’ll be wearing an oximeter attached to a fitbit type thing – sending them data all night. 6am they’ll come and take it away, and take a blood reading from my earlobe (done twice already this week) – then come back and talk about what my oxygen needs might be at home (if any) – will take oxygen off for evening, unless drops below 88 (usually 94 is drop-off point, I think, and most people will have sats of 98-100/100). We’re also trying am mild diuretic as didn’t get great ECHO images – so seeing if there is any impact on fluid around the heart. Dexamethasone was all given this morning in hope might get some sleep, and tomorrow will be halved – doesn’t seem to be helping breathing, although maybe is helping pain? Indicates that probably not an infection either, pretty confident with level of blood thinners I’m on/scans I’ve had that don’t have blood clots… so that’s really where the hospital experience can start to work towards discharge… 
  • One of the things I’ve been resisting is a Stannah stairlift – which I can rent from Stockport Council (£150 for 3 months, then rolling £50pm after that if still needed), but expecting to give the go-ahead for this. This will probably take a week to put in, so seeing if we can get a room at St Ann’s Hospice for a week – get some specialist input on breathing/pain, some caring, better bed/food, then hopefully get home (being well looked after by Andrew and Jane, and my neighbours), and put into place a care package of support. Hopefully if/as the new chemo works, things can improve and can start to shed some of these services, or continue them as needs be … trying not to over-think/plan (very hard). All these are aspects of life I thought I might have to worry about in a couple of years – so it does bring big questions about what life is going to look like now (and yes, has been serious conversations with work, where I’m now on half-pay)…. Having got my head into accepting all that stuff – then of course let’s hope there’s a Stannah installation slot and a bed free at the hospice (other option is can come home, live upstairs short-term, with food being bought up to me by carers/friends). 
  • All a bit ‘big pants, yes pants with a big gusset’ (as my friend Justin used to say) – lots of uncertainty – lots of overwhelm… may have forgotten some things, but this is already a long blog post, and I think it’s time to wind down… (had ward doctor, palliative and acute teams round today, and community nurse on the phone)


So, in all this, I want to thank people for their continued (non-pressurised) support. Energy is low, task-focus is low, got some people want to see, stuff want to write – and will just have to work out what I can! I think people have got used to waiting for me to do Insta/FB updates, and especially these longer updates – I used to ‘like’ every comment – but now I read, enjoy, appreciate, may not ‘like’, and may not reply to DMs that I think I’ve already covered in a public update!

  •  I was doing socially distanced/masked walks with people – but as I’m struggling to walk anywhere … thanks to Andrew and Jane for ongoing visits and support, and Suzanne for dropping by with food and back cushion… of course when COVID lets us, I have my awning/patio heater and firepit – please do come join … and if I improve lots, I want to do a bit of a UK tour so will be looking for spare bed offerings! Zoom calls and #BexParty continue as energy allows … worth suggesting dates/times to me .. not necessarily all that immediate week .. and being flex with cancellations!
  • My cousin Hannah who is liasing with A&J, and my mum (also hoping to get here), and a few other people – and hoping to come and do some more visiting as per Christmas (yeah, she can be a carer, but she’s got some Netflix to catch up on, you know); Lee who is making the most of her ministerial position to be able to make hospital stay more bearable – as will Helen when on site. 
  • My friend Claire has been pointing people in the direction of takeaway vouchers, my wishlist, financial contributions – people say they want to help – so trying to make it easy (including ideas for food I enjoy – esp fancy fruits!) – as can be quite overwhelming coming up with ideas … amazing how much stuff you realise you don’t need when you don’t know that you’ve got years to go… but are things like hydrotherapy sessions and carers may need to pay for, and if I end up not working (looking very likely), a very stripped back income!
  • My other friend Claire who is working on the backend/theme of my website as I tidy up some content (it’s 5+ years since I had a theme change)
  So thanks for all your messages, likes, DMs. I certainly don’t expect the wonderful volumes that I get – and love it when my friends end up randomly talking to each other – reduces the overwhelm/pressure on me … and of course – the big posts come with big responses – but hopefully there’s still a long-haul to go with this, so come along on this crappy experience (keep trying to put my ‘life explorer’ hat back on – ooo, let’s explore what it’s like to stay in a hospice) – read general messages/blogs before sending DMs asking me to repeat myself is super appreciated, funny memes, remembering Bex pre-cancer – and still being Bex with cancer … well, does this tired but thankful Bex make any sense to you…. cos she’s off to watch some Netflix downloaded to the phone!

An Optional Challenge

And also, much as I hate chain/tag people in things – do partake in this that my friend came up with on Facebook if you like (copy/paste/complete, make public if you like) – let’s enjoy some good memories whilst life feels tough! 

Hi Everyone!
Who will join me in the Boost Bex Challenge?
Our beautiful Bex Lewis is having a PANTS time. We can’t take away the illness, but we can make her smile!

When you have 5 minutes, please copy the questions below (some are for our interest & some are for hers)! Fill in your answers – funny or serious, add a picture if you have one, and tag other people who might be interested (but not pressurised) to join: 

I think Bex is: 

I met her: 

I admire her because: 

I love her because: 

[CANCER] Interviewed by @Make2ndsCount ‘My SBC Journey’

I was invited to answer a few questions about my secondary/metastatic breast cancer experience for Make Seconds Count, a charity that seeks to raise awareness and education around secondary breast cancer, fund research, and establish a community of patients and their supporters – for practical and psychological support… and they provided these wonderful ‘comfort boxes‘ designed to manage some of the treatment side effects!

Read the full blog post.


[CANCER] Kale Poems = Laughter midst the pain

It’s only 8 days since I last updated the blog, but – wow – does it feel much longer – just so much ( rubbish) going on – so Rox wrote me:

Kale scale of bad news

Kind of what I was expecting
A bit worse than what we wanted
Let me think about that
Emergency exit?

The Past Week

Friday, I managed a short socially-distanced walk with Suzanne – this is where we truly faced the breathing problems I have – so we stopped for a bacon barm – leaning on a couple of lampposts:

Enjoyed having some company from my bubble, and continuing my #OpinionMinutes, and Sunday enjoyed watching Andrew watch himself on Songs of Praise:
See the episode

So it’s nice to have a bit of good news. and Monday I was featured on Ticking Off Breast Cancer about surgery, and – even better – the bed company engineer visited and agreed that the bed was faulty (as Andrew had guessed, a bolt had fallen out, and then the ‘arm’ had twisted out of shape) – and it was fixed that day! So, this fits with another of Rox’s poems:

Kale scale of good news

Kind of what I was expecting
A new hashtag is born
Let’s accept this good thing
Everybody! Something good happened.

Also good news was seeing my podcast with Will Taylor come out, and participating on a panel with the Stronger Conference.

And I guess other good news, though it comes with all kinds of mental upset – is that it has been agreed that I will have a carer come for half-hour every morning to help me put my sleeve on

Oncologist Appointment

Wednesday it was time to head back to The Christie for multiple appointments

  • First, a catch-up in the lymphedema clinic, where I was complimented on how far up my arm I had managed to put my sleeve, and a sense that there is already some sign of shrinkage. We also cut a bit off the fingertips, so I have a chance of touch-typing, using my phone!
  • Second, a taking of bloods, in which we tried to find out where/how to get another yellow sharps box – finally agreed that District Nurse will bring on next visit.
  • Third, a conversation with one of my SBCN (Secondary Breast Cancer Nurse), going through my ‘patient history’ document, and seeing which questions she could answer. She then went for a conversation with my oncologist…
  • Fourth, a consultation with my oncologist
    • We looked at the rash on my chest/nodules on my right shoulder, and agreed that they look ‘suspicious’, so I will be sent for a consultation/biopsy back with my original surgeon.
    • Being between 2 hospitals there’s been trouble accessing my scan images, so I will be sent for another CT scan, also to particularly check out these new areas of concern, and (I guess), my lungs – what is causing the breathlessness (thought to be paclitaxel)
    • If I stay on the capecitabine, then I will continue with everything at The Christie, if I have to swap to another IV chemo (depends on biopsy/scan results)* then I’ll go back to Stepping Hill. The scans hopefully will also give insights into breathlessness and pain.
    • I will have denosumab at the next treatment, I’m allowed to have the COVID vaccine (next Tuesday),** we keep going with the Clexane (blood thinners) until at least next appointment.

* Can’t believe after only 2 cycles of capecitabine this is a possibility…

**As neither of my arms can be used, apparently will be in my butt – lovely.


So the capecitabine (cape) – the only obvious side effects (aside from fatigue/sleepiness), is nausea – and we’re hoping to manage this better this time – with preventative lansoprazole in the morning, cyclizine 3 x day – and bedding the medication down with carbs (bagel, etc.) – so another poem from Rox:

Capecitabine with Kale (and Carbs)

Keep the carbs by my bed
And the love in my heart
Let the emotions wash over me
Exhausted, I persist.

The rest of this week, outside of conversations with palliative (we are now swapping from BuTrans to Fentanyl patches) and district nurses, has included long overdue chats with Leanne and Tansy, and Jane and I just enjoying a chilled afternoon whilst I try and take my mind off the constant shoulder pain – we did a very tiny walk!:

[CANCER] Progress with Capecitabine, and appointment for Lymphedema

Well, this past week or so has gone both fast and slow since I started the Capecitabine… My cousin, who has been cooking, cleaning, etc. for me, had to go back to London after 3 weeks – but has made such a difference having support as try and adjust to this new treatment! We’re keeping an eye on when vaccines might make a difference, or again, she will isolate, test, and travel at quiet time, to come back and give some support. Good for both of us mental health wise…

Capecitabine: A week + in

Capecitabine TabletsSo, capecitabine is a tablet-based chemotherapy. Assuming that I can manage the side-effects, and that scans show that the treatment is keeping me stable (or even better, shrinking tumours), then every 3 weeks I will return to the oncology unit, have my bloods taken, talk to the pharmacy team about the side effects and how we can manage them, take the tablets home (as I’m a trusted long-term patient, I can be called up if there’s a problem with my bloods, and not have to sit on the ward FOR AGES). I will then take the tablets for 14 days, then have a 7 day break from having the tablets (be interesting to see if the side-effects ease off for that week). Alternate weeks I will have to wait on the oncology ward for blood test results anyway (usually take 60-90 minutes) as I will then have my denosumab injection.

You can see the tablets illustrated here – 4 each morning (9.30am) and evening (7.30pm). They have to be taken a minimum of 10 hours apart, though can be up to 12 hours apart… and must have eaten within the previous half-hour (a friend who’s on the drugs has just said ‘carbs are your friend’ and that a crumpet works well for her!). The pharmacist said – because it takes some time to get out of bed these days – that I can keep some biscuits by the bed and use those in the morning. I do try and have some ‘proper’ meals in the rest of the day – and continue my attempts to ‘eat the rainbow’.

To be honest, it’s been hard to eat at all at some points (and other points get the munchies, even without any steroids) – the Tuesday I started the medication, I just felt a little drowsy, but the Wednesday I started to feel really nauseous/tired, though I was still doing bits and pieces – but avoiding rich food! Saturday we planned to pop out for a walk, but I abandoned my porridge halfway through, and lay down – and then another 4-5 hours of the day disappeared. I thought I’d managed dinner, but just after taking my late-evening tablets (2+ hours after taking capecitabine, so hopefully I ingested that properly), I was actually sick (bright purple, no idea what caused that)… thankfully that’s been the only time so far. Sunday I sent my cousin back to London. I’ve had a lot of conversations with my Macmillan nurse – as we try and control the nausea, shoulder pain, breathlessness (which was paclitaxel related, we thought, but it’s not improving) – and whatever other symptoms need managing. I hope we find a way to manage it all better – because it’s largely hard work at the moment!

Meantime – this Instagram post totally resonated with me … officially it’s 2 years since my first secondary tumour was found, although they think it had been there for 18 months before that… now it’s been 6 months since the large tumour was found … which is definitely causing some problems!

Lymphedema Appointment

Wednesday morning, I headed into The Christie rehabilitation department … by the time I’d walked from the car I was very breathless, so a wheelchair was offered to get me across the hospital – for once, I said yes…


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This is not my first trip to a lymphedema clinic, so I wasn’t too surprised at how low tech the process was (and we chatted about this) – the low tech means it’s pretty skilled! After we’d had a chat – which interestingly started with “can you tell me where you think the tumours are in your body” – not because she didn’t know, but she wanted to know if I knew… especially as she’s pretty certain that my swollen arm is caused by a tumour in my right armpit (which has shown up on previous scans) – doesn’t need to be big, just in the wrong place, to cause problems.
I had noted over several weeks since November that I seemed to be collecting fluid in my right breast, my chest, and then on Boxing Day it started showing up in my right arm. I get weighed weekly at treatment so that they can dispense the right amount … I used to avoid knowing, but since the summer (when I lost 10kg of fluid when my tumour was treated), I’m seeing it as a source of data. November onwards I was putting on a kg each week, then over Christmas 5kg – and – no – I don’t do the whole stuff myself silly thing at Christmas… but by this point everyone else could see it in my arm. This was pretty much what it looked like the evening before the appointment (by which point I’m seriously having trouble stretching/ reaching with this arm, including problems with getting clothes on/off):
So, the appointment:
  • Measurements were taken with a tape measure. A computer will do a calculation to work out the difference (but it wasn’t working, so next time). I did say to her that the swelling had been even worse – she said it’s a good sign it had started to reduce…
  • Further measurements were taken so that a custom fit sleeve can be ordered (black or beige, madam? black please). I’ll need to go into the Christie to collect it, usually within a week, but COVID means may be a bit of a delay. I had been wearing the sleeve I had for my left arm, but apparently this is totally the wrong size, and making things worse.. and the silicone on the previous ones had caused issues, so they’ll have to find another way to keep it up. I’ll be entitled to 2 sleeves every 6 months, as they stop being effective after this. She said it will look harder to get on, but should actually be manageable (as I have to get it on myself)… and hopefully start to be effective.
  • We’re also hoping that the capecitabine will shrink the armpit tumour, although the paclitaxel hasn’t. I asked again about radiotherapy, and she agreed that it would make the lymphedema worse.
  • Told to keep the arm as supported as possible with cushions, etc. whilst sitting, sleeping and walking (e.g. hand in pocket, or supported by a big scarf, a bit like a sling). The weight of the arm is putting pressure on the neck and giving me a weird gait when walking = discomfort.
  • When sitting, told to try and keep flexing the hand and getting some arm movement – keep the blood moving… and also to keep the areas highly moisturised with e.g. Aveeno.
  • Struggling to get a bra on (especially with the weight of the prosthesis in it) – but she said keep trying – as want to keep that as supported as possible.
  • Wheat bags and heat pad are fine – might increase the lymphedema, but if it’s working for pain relief. Give areas some heat-free time though.
  • Due to COVID physio/massage, etc. can’t be offered at the moment (there’s people been waiting for this for months) – but she did say there were doubts about how effective it would be for me – as normally arm lymphedema is pushed towards the chest – but I have fluid on my chest – so it would need to be massaged towards my back…
  • Focus on breathing exercises – described it as ‘like a balloon’ – hand just under bra line – feel it inflate as breathe in, deflate as breathe out … and do not be breathing from the shoulders (which it appears I am doing!)

She said that they may not be able to remove all of it, but if we can remove the (extreme) discomfort, and get a range of movement back, then that at least helps. The physio is not convinced that the pressure on the neck is contributing to the nausea at all… although there is also a knot in my shoulder which massage has definitely eased – and that’s also pulling on my neck…

So, I left Christies – where excitingly – all staff should be vaccinated by the end of (this/next?) week – and went home to rest on the sofa (so tired, and also had an HR/Welfare meeting that afternoon).

Managing Multiple Appointments

I seem to be speaking to multiple medics, including new medics, so I spent much of Sunday/Monday writing up a ‘patient history’ as a Word doc – so I have got easy access to dates of different diagnoses/treatments, medications I am/have taken, who I see… and a list of known appointments/current questions – because I am getting totally lost and being asked the questions over & over! Now though, I can print whatever is up to date off (or email it, for those who are in the 21stC), and take it to appointments. Might take some reading on the first appointment, then it’s just about checking later updates. The lymphedema specialist asked if she could keep it, and said ‘good idea’, and my Macmillan nurse has found it helpful so far so… It will next get used for discussion with Secondary Nurse on Monday, palliative/pain management clinic Wednesday, and I’m in the queue for an OT appts too – in case I need some adaptive equipment. Thankfully we managed to sign off ENT yesterday as no longer having nose bleeds and my voice has stopped being ‘stretched’. I don’t know about you, but it’s all pretty exhausting … and I don’t even feel like I’m ‘achieving’ that much .. and it’s all very well people saying ‘you don’t need to’ – but check out my top strength in Marcus Buckingham’s ‘strengths finder’ which I always thought was pretty spot on! Anyways, time for bed again…

P.S. The vaguely exciting thing is that both my hair and my nails are starting to recover from paclitaxel. My left hand also seems to have largely recovered from peripheral neuropathy – right is still plagued because of the lymphedema I think!


2020: What a year… and a CANCER update!

Like many, I’m looking forward to time moving forward, and hopefully emerging (once vaccinated) into some kind of resemblances of a more liveable life. Having been taught that time is a social construct, I don’t expect things to change on the stroke of midnight however (it’s also one of the reasons I’ve never done New Year’s Resolutions – also, they are set up to fail, and if I want to try something new, I’ll do it when I’m ready, not when the clock dictates). Maybe that’s why I was pretty relaxed about Christmas this year (as 2/3 previous year’s Christmas have been messed up by cancer, so…)

A Cancer Update

I last blogged maybe 3 weeks ago (though feels like months ago).

  • I had another paclitaxel (reduced dose) treatment, number 17/18, then had a week off for Christmas (nice to have a week without some of the side effects, though fatigue doesn’t really go anywhere).
  • I’ve spoken to my counsellor at the Christies, my Macmillan nurse, and joined the Maggies Young Women’s group.
  • I’ve spoken to the ENT specialist re bloody noses – the Naseptin seems to be doing its job and now leaving paclitaxel, may no longer be a problem.
  • I’ve spoken to Occupational Health and various people at work, more about that will emerge… (prayers particularly appreciated)
  • I’ve had an echocardiogram, and my heart seems to be working OK (drugs I’ve been on could have damaged it)

This week’s fun

This Tuesday I headed to the Laurel Suite to have treatment number 18, but had to report that puffiness and breathlessness in my body had been getting worse since around Christmas Eve (though already noticeable for a few weeks), although my face had not swollen (like in July). Although I chucked my scales out years ago for the sake of my mental health, I get weighed every time so the right dosage can be dispensed… and along with going up around 1kg per week for previous 5-6 weeks, this time 5kg in 2 weeks … I don’t do the whole Christmas ‘eat yourself sick’ so it’s fluid weight that is going on. Again, after conversations with the acute oncology nurse, and an on-call oncologist (both via phone), with concerns that it could be a blood clot (though unlikely because of blood thinners), or a tumour growth/obstruction, I was sent to ACU to await more tests. And again, they can’t use my port, so, once I’d had an x-ray (to see what pleural effusion is up to) and they decided I needed a CT scan, after 6 attempts, cannula got in (yes, I cried, though once in, much less painful that previous ones – they’ve decided they can use my left arm now). Thankfully the CT scan ended up being the last one of the day, and the radiographer wanted to get home, so wrote the report up swiftly. I was in the Laurel Suite 11-2.30, then on the ACU til gone 9pm – very tired:


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The results came back as not a clot, and not a tumour growth – so – and this is basically the scan I was due to have on 9th has now been done – I guess we can say I’m a ‘stable mable’ (which I should probably be a lot more excited about than I am – as one of my nurses said, I’ve had so many side effect problems, I don’t really believe it). It is thought that I now have lymphedema in my right arm (whereas my left arm – where all lymph nodes removed – has recovered from this entirely), and across my chest – quite uncomfortable, but need to work on massaging the fluid back into where it’s supposed to be. I emailed my Secondary Breast Care Nurse (SBCN) yesterday to update, as she can liaise with my oncologist (who hopefully I will speak to soon), and she has now already referred me to the lymphedema service!

What’s next?

The decision is to abandon the 18th paclitaxel – officially I guess it still sits on the list of drugs I could return to, but it’s given my body a complete hammering. I will go back onto the oncology ward on Monday and consent to starting capecitabine (usually have to accept that death is a possible side effect of the drugs), have bloods taken, chat to pharmacist, then be sent home with tablet chemo. Should my body be OK with the drug (and I’ve had a DYPD test, which identifies those with terrible responses, and mine are fine), then I will take it for 2 weeks, have a week off the tablets, then go in for another blood test, and continue the routine every 3 weeks, with denosumab every 6 weeks. Looking online the length of time people get can be a few weeks, to many years, so I guess we wait and see. Side-effects are also ‘wait and see’, though fatigue, hand and foot syndrome, and stomach issues sound highly common – woo hoo…

Yesterday, I also joined my ‘new’ friend Jo’s funeral online … another friend Jo has just written on her anger around this for METUPUK.

Some things to be thankful for

I’m sure I’ll think of more and sneak back to add to the list… for now working from my diary, which has a load of things in it that DIDN’T happen, as for many… and of course throughout Andrew and Jane have been core to my bubble of support locally!

  • January: Was in recovery from my oophorectomy: got to spend a lovely week in Rosie’s Barn, and have a belated Christmas with my parents.
  • February: Managed a weekend in Munich, and a gentle ‘return to work’, whilst I packed my bags for New Zealand.
  • March/April: Managing to get to New Zealand, even if I got locked down and missed out on nearly all my planned activities, and rattled around a building for 40 – it was next to a lovely beach (oh, I miss the swimming), I was well looked after, and I had the Timas as my lovely lockdown family – and lots of other people to talk to online (both in NZ and elsewhere, including being able to join churches) *and lockdown didn’t happen til after my birthday. Although COVID meant that I didn’t get checked over personally, I had several good interactions with New Zealand medics about various pains, and getting repeat prescriptions – but was sent home with the thought that the serious chest pains were ‘just pulled muscles’. Wrote my chapter for The Distanced Church.
  • May: Managed to get a consulate flight back to the UK (including a business class seat, so SOME sleep), where Andrew and Jane had made sure my car was MoT’d, and that house was ready for me to come back to, and my Mum had sent a big box of Cook meals. We made lots of progress on our NIHR bid, I joined webinars and counselling online, managed to get some food delivered, and completed a draft of my autoethnography academic article on cancer/digital (triggered by a free online writing retreat with Helen Sword).
  • June: I finally got my (belated) CT scan with contrast, and also joined the faculty writing retreat (online), made some progress on my second edition of Raising Children in a Digital Age (which I’d been working on in New Zealand, but spent most of my time talking to medics and the consulate, trying to get home). I was due to go to Paris for 2 days, but hopefully those tickets will be valid for longer than the 12 months they said…! Wrote final report as external examiner for Staffs Uni.
  • July: Kim and I worked on our eNurture bid, another bid on social media and cancer went into NIHR, I went on some socially distanced walks as the GP said that was OK (with masks), ended up in hospital with new tumours in sternum/mediastinal mass – super thankful for the NHS (much as I didn’t want to stay in) for being quick in working out what was going on, then treating me immediately. Thankful that I have good sick pay from my job, as expect to be off for a while from this point.
  • August: Not a fun month – radiotherapy, started paclitaxel, once again – thankful for the NHS, and from the ongoing support from people online, offline – most particularly my Mum, and through the medium of postal parcels! Also got to do some interviews on BBC Radio 5/BBC Radio 4/BBC Radio Manchester re cancer/COVID.
  • September: Mostly thankful for people, including my medical team, people online/offline, and those who joined my #BexParty – which I do plan to do more of .. isn’t it brilliant how tech keeps us connected! Cousin came to stay, and managed to meet other cousins at Tatton Park. Also, around this time, my cleaner was able to return and help me out again… Kim and I got our ENurture bid in.
  • October: Had a CT scan (stable), and my awning and patio heater arrived/were fitted (for all those people who can come and sit in the back garden – oh, not allowed to do that, oh well)… Enjoyed the CofE Digital Conference.
  • November: Spoke at the Premier Digital Conference, joined lot of online chats, another day in hospital being scanned = pleural effusion. Learning how to let go of the need to get things ‘right’ and having a go at my #OpinionMinute on Tik-Tok
  • December: Been lots of chats with people, online and offline, lots of medical interventions (as per cancer blogs). Over Christmas/New Year, Hannah has been staying (having isolated, had a negative COVID test, and got an empty train) which has been lovely company (as well as she’s doing most of the cooking). We made it to Dunham Massey Christmas (bit freaked out by busy-ness, but the lights were lovely), and we did an online Harry Potter experience (Hannah is now onto book 5, having never read any), and had lovely Christmas with A&J.

And of course thankful for all the entertainment that has been available online via Netflix, Disney +, Amazon Prime – though I would like to get back into theatres and see The Cursed Child, which I had tickets for in Melbourne!

For now, need to (belatedly) get dressed, have a little walk, and prep for the fact that we’re doing midnight at 9pm (we’ll just pretend we’re in Uganda, right?), including a little pre-9pm-zoom with people!

Selfie a Day (made later in the evening, added to post NY Day)

Made with the Selfie a Day app

2021 Please:

Featured Image Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash